Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Goldenrod....

Most people mistake the goldenrod for causing allergy symptoms but it's really the ragweed which blooms at the same time.


kjpweb said...

Oh - this one is great over the purple background! Well seen!
Cheers, Klaus

Eve said...

Ahhhhh now there is a beautiful composition of goldenrod! I knew that fact John!! Glad you posted to help any pictures of ragweed? I don't even know what it is!!!

Kerri Farley said...

Very pretty....I love that purple background with it!!

Anonymous said...

I love the purple back ground. Great job and you have a great eye.

Adrian said...

Hello John

This looks pretty close to what we call Canadian Goldenrod in England - a lovely late summer flowering plant. Looking forward to seeing your Ragweed - we have one called Ragwort a yellow plant in the daisy family. It is very bad for livestock and people organise mass pulling sessions to get rid of it from fields etc. Lovely shots as usual, John.

Best wishes, Adrian

Louise said...

Beautiful photo. The goldenrod has so much detail, and I love the blurry, purple background.

Maybe if it were goldenrod, rather than ragweed, that makes me so miserable in the fall, it wouldn't see so bad because at least it is pretty!

Mary said...

You really started something with that Ragweed comment! Allergy sufferers everywhere may decide to ban your blog if you post ragweed!! It's probably why I've had this awful cough forever. Claritin stopped working.

Arija said...

Beautifully spotted composition of the flower heads, like meercats poppin their heads up to look around. Very fitting contrast background as well.