Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Berry Delicious.....

I went strawberry picking yesterday and this is the container of strawberries I picked so I'm taking a little break today from my normal nature photos and posting this picture. We had a lot of rain in June this year so the strawberry crop in Maine is bumper. Not only do they look good but they taste good too.


troutbirder said...

Man those strawberries look good. Enjoyed your flower pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...

Those look soooo good! Seems strange for you to just now get strawberries when ours were back in May! Did you grow them?

kjpweb said...

Now that's a delicious post.
Reminds me to get something to eat..
Cheers, Klaus

Mary said...

Hi there!
Just bloghopping and found your beautiful photos. The strawberries are wonderful -- they glisten with color! Loved the clover pics -- we have all of those here in NJ, too, but I never knew their names... I'm looking forward to visiting again. :)

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Oh yummy! Strawberry shortcake for me, please?!

The Birdlady said...

Oh yum! Beautiful photo.

Leedra said...

They look delicious. Wish I had some. Ate blackberries today right off the vine, but the strawberries look better.

Eve said...

I missed yesterday!! I tried it once and couldn't get the picture, but now all is fine! Great strawberries! Now I'm hungry!!

abb said...

When do those wonderful Maine blueberries ripen? Love them!