Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Lace....

Here's another photo of a queens anne's lace I took the other day. The conditions were perfect for flower photography on Sunday morning; there was a bright overcast and no wind. I spent a good two hours wandering a small stretch of roadside just off of Rt. 196 which is a busy highway. My favorites from that morning are yet to come.


The Birdlady said...

Oooh! That one is REALLY gorgeous!

Eve said...

Very lovely John!! Can't wait to see the rest!
I'm trying to load a video on my blog today...don't know if it will be's going to take forever!!

Stacey Olson said...

Stunning flowers. I find myself looking at all the roadside flowers here,, and realized I don't have a clue what most of them are for sure, how sad is that?? thanks John

Mary said...

I can't imagine how your favorites can beat what we've already seen! You make the most common flower look gorgeous. The purple really sets off the lace.

Louise said...

If what we've seen are not your favorites, I can't imagine how wonderful those must be. This one is fabulous!

kjpweb said...

Gorgeous Lace! Saw some yesterday - though they look a little rough already! Yours is so much more beautiful!
Cheers, Klaus

troutbirder said...

Quenn Anne is great! Purple Loosestrife not so. We have lost many wetlands here as well.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Lovely picture I think the color combination works well.

I wish we had the wildflowers that you have in Maine, that would keep me busy for awhile.

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this one especially with that purple background to set it off. Beautiful!